Analyse mathématique des écrits de Maria Valtorta

    De Wiki Maria Valtorta

    Les professeurs Emilio Matricciani[1] et Liberato De Caro[2] ont analysé les écrits de Maria Valtorta à l’aide d’outils mathématiques et statistiques destinés à l’étude linguistique. On parle aussi de stylométrie, une approche mathématique permettant de révéler les empreintes linguistiques inconscientes et de retrouver, par exemple, l’identité d’un auteur écrivant sous pseudonyme.

    A Mathematical Analysis of Maria Valtorta’s Mystical Writings

    Dans cette étude, publiée le 2 novembre 2018, les auteurs ont conclu que "Maria Valtorta semble être la seule auteure capable d’une si vaste diversité littéraire, couvrant toute la gamme mathématique (convenablement définie) de la littérature italienne sur sept siècles". La cohérence psychologique de dizaines de personnages tout au long d’une même œuvre est également une prouesse extrêmement rare en littérature. Ils constatèrent également que le style des dialogues transcrits par Maria Valtorta au cours des visions/locutions différait de son style personnel (utilisé, par exemple, dans son Autobiographie).
    Abstract We have studied the very large amount of literary works written by the Italian mystic Maria Valtorta to assess similarities and differences in her writings, because she claims that most of them are due to mystical visions. We have used mathematical and statistical tools developed for specifically studying deep linguistic aspects of texts. The general trend indicates that the literary works explicitly attributable to Maria Valtorta differ significantly from her other literary works, which she claims are attributable to the alleged characters Jesus and Mary. Mathematically, they seem to have been written by different authors. The comparison with the Italian literature is very striking. A single author, namely Maria Valtorta, seems to be able to write texts so diverse as to cover the entire mathematical range (suitably defined) of the Italian literature spanning seven centuries.

    Jesus Christ’s Speeches in Maria Valtorta’s Mystical Writings

    Dans une autre étude, publiée le 21 janvier 2020, les mêmes auteurs font une analyse mathématique des discours de Jésus-Christ dans les écrits mystiques de Maria Valtorta – en tenant compte du contexte, des sujets et de la durée – à l’aide d’outils statistiques de deep-language.
    Abstract We have studied Jesus Christ’s speeches contained in The Gospel as revealed to me by Maria Valtorta to assess: (i) similarities and differences of the speeches delivered to diverse audiences, through deep-language statistics; (ii) duration of the speeches delivered in different occasions; (iii) whether the setting of the speeches is realistic. Mathematically, the speeches can be divided into two sets: (a) two apparently well-planned and coordinated series of speeches delivered at “Clear Water” and at the Horns of Hattin (Sermon of the Mountain); (b) extempore speeches delivered in many localities (parables, speeches to people or to disciples, in Synagogues, at the Temple). By converting sequences of words into intervals, through a suitable reading/speaking speed, the speeches’ durations were found to be realistic. The setting of the speeches allows the assessment of the likelihood of the places and occasions for delivering them. Maria Valtorta wrote extraordinary speeches that she attributed to the alleged Jesus of Nazareth. In addition to their theological and doctrinal contents (whose study is far beyond the scope of this paper), the speeches are so realistic in whatever mathematical parameter, or setting, we study them, that she is either a great literary author, or—as she claims—an attentive “eyewitness” of what she reports.

    Notes et références

    1. Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milan, Italy
    2. Istituto di Cristallografia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IC-CNR), Via Amendola 122/O, 70126 Bari, Italy